Vitamin K is a superhero to prepare, both you and your baby for labour and post labour recovery. Vitamin K during pregnancy plays an essential role in blood clotting, bone metabolism, and regulating blood calcium levels. While Vitamin K deficiency is rare, in order to reduce the risk, an injection is given to all babies just after they are born.

Importance of vitamin K during pregnancy?

Vitamin K is also essential for healthy bone growth and protein synthesis in the liver, in addition to playing a key role in blood clotting. Its blood clotting properties are important during childbirth, when your body is resting and beginning to heal after you have given birth.

Without getting sufficient levels of Vitamin K immediately after birth, babies are at a risk of developing a Vitamin K deficiency, which may lead to a rare disorder called hemorrhagic disease that increases their risk of excessive bleeding.

Trimacare Best Prenatal Tablets for Pregnant Women with Vitamin K

How much vitamin K do you need when you’re pregnant?

During pregnancy, consuming a healthy well-balanced diet is the number one priority. Based on your size, the precise amount of vitamin K you need varies. Adults require approximately 1 mcg of vitamin K a day for each kilogram of their body weight. By eating a healthy, nutritious pregnancy diet, you should comfortably be able to get all the vitamin K that you and your baby need. There is certainly no need for dietary requirements of Vitamin K when you are pregnant. However, once the baby is born, he or she may need additional Vitamin K supplements.

Please note that the capacity to digest nutrients such as vitamin K may be impaired by consuming certain medical conditions and drugs. You might need to take a vitamin supplement if there’s a chance that you’re not getting enough. Speak to your healthcare provider if you have any questions, as taking a supplement excessively may affect your baby.

Which foods contain vitamin K?

Vitamin K in Pregnancy

Foods rich in vitamin K include:

  • Green leafy vegetables – such as kale and spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Asparagus
  • Vegetable oils
  • Cereal grains

Protecting your baby with vitamin K at birth

It is generally rare for babies to develop a Vitamin K deficiency, however, some babies at birth can have low levels of Vitamin K.

In this case, a booster injection is given to them shortly after they are born, only to be on the safe side. Oral dosages are also available of the same.

Try increasing your intake with these vitamin K-rich snacks and meals:

  • A bowl of vitamin K- fortified breakfast cereal
  • Roast asparagus with a poached egg
  • Steamed broccoli with your favourite salad dressing
  • Oven-baked kale crisps
  • Sesame-crusted tuna steaks with quinoa and baby spinach

Best supplement for Vitamin K

TrimacareTM! A specially designed solution for pregnant women to provide nutrients, including Vitamin K, needed by both the mother and the child.

It is highly rich in Vitamin k and is different for each trimester, as your needs are unique in each trimester. It furnishes all the nutrients required for a pregnant woman and her child holistically and supplements your needs perfectly.

TrimacareTM is prepared from all-natural plant-based sources with no chemicals, no side effects and it is highly absorbent. Each tablet takes care of the specific needs of the mother and child during each trimester.

Is TrimacareTM safe?

As mentioned earlier, TrimacareTM is 100% chemical-free, safe, made with natural ingredients. It also aids in alleviating morning sickness, constipation, and fatigue. Consult your doctor before starting any kind of medication or special diet. And don’t forget to read, write, exercise, and relax.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Why is Vitamin K essential during pregnancy?

Vitamin K is significant during pregnancy as it assumes a fundamental part in blood clotting, which is fundamental for forestalling over the excessive bleeding during labor.

2. How does Vitamin K benefit the baby during pregnancy?

Vitamin K aides in the advancement of the child’s bones and guarantees appropriate blood clotting, decreasing the risk of haemorrhagic sickness in babies.

3. What are good food sources of Vitamin K for pregnant women?

Pregnant ladies can get Vitamin K from green verdant vegetables like kale, spinach, and broccoli, as well as from different sources like eggs, cheddar, and liver.

4. Can a deficiency in Vitamin K affect pregnancy outcomes?

Yes, a vitamin K deficiency during pregnancy can increase the risk of bleeding complications during childbirth and may have an impact on the health of the baby.

5. Are Vitamin K supplements recommended during pregnancy?

At times, doctors might suggest Vitamin K enhancements for pregnant ladies, particularly in the event that their eating routine doesn’t give adequate measures of this fundamental supplement. However, taking any supplements while pregnant requires the advice of a doctor.