One of the most essential minerals during pregnancy is Iron. Iron is crucial for several fundamental biological processes. Iron helps carry oxygen and functions as a protein in red blood cells (erythrocytes). Iron tablet for pregnancy support muscular and neurological growth, as well as some hormone production.

Nutritional deficiency of Iron can arise due to several factors. Sometimes it can be due to the consumption of a diet which lacks micronutrients and in rare cases, there can be genetic reasons too. Indian diet is calorie-rich (carbohydrate-rich) but micronutrient-deficient. The short- and long-term health and development of the unborn child can be negatively impacted by multiple deficiencies that Indian pregnant women suffer from. More than 80% of Indian women are anaemic.

Healthy pregnancy outcomes depend on a healthy, nutritious diet. A diet which is full of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins supports the health of both the mother-to-be and the growing baby. These nutrients, vitamins, and minerals serve as the building blocks of the human body. Their requirements largely increase during pregnancy as the mother-to-be must support a new life too. She, therefore, needs both a well-balanced diet and dietary supplements in the form of tablets to fill in the nutritional gaps in her diet. It can be difficult to get enough iron supplements during pregnancy through diet, even though a woman carefully tries to include best iron tablet for pregnancy in her diet. If she is a vegetarian or vegan and does not consume iron-rich meat or poultry, she has a more difficult battle. As a result, boosting your intake of iron supplements for women can be very beneficial.

The dietary Iron is found in two forms, which are:

  1. Heme
  2. Non-heme

Nonheme Iron is present in several Iron-fortified foods and plants (seeds, fruits, nuts, beans, vegetables, grains, etc.). Both the heme and non-heme components are present in non-vegetarian sources such as poultry, seafood, and meat.

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What are the benefits of best iron tablet for pregnancy?

Iron tablets for pregnancy are crucial for both the expectant mother and the developing foetus. Iron plays a pivotal role in the production of red blood cells, ensuring that the mother’s body can meet the increased oxygen demands during pregnancy. Sufficient iron levels also prevent maternal anaemia, a condition that can lead to fatigue, weakness, and complications during childbirth.

Moreover, iron supplement tablets are essential for the baby’s growth and development, supporting the formation of healthy red blood cells and ensuring proper oxygen supply to organs and tissues. Adequate iron tablets for women intake reduce the risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and infant mortality. It also enhances the baby’s cognitive and behavioural development.

Hence, a pregnant woman needs twice the amount of Iron supplement tablets daily during pregnancy. Deficiency of Iron can lead to conditions like anaemia.

Iron Supplements for Anaemia during Pregnancy

Pregnant women are at constant risk of anaemia due to a deficiency of Iron. During this condition, the body doesn’t have enough new and healthy red blood cells. That’s the reason the body fails to transport oxygen to every tissue.

There are several symptoms of anaemia due to Iron deficiency:

  • Irregular heartbeats (tachycardia)
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Headaches
  • Chest pain
  • Breath shortness
  • Skin paleness
  • Dizziness
  • Cold feet and hands

Anaemia during pregnancy is especially concerning because it can lead to low birth weight, early deliveries, and maternal mortality. In some cases, anaemia can be more severe and can lead to the death of the baby post-delivery.

A pregnant woman can experience anaemia during pregnancy if

  • Women carrying twins or higher-order multiples are at a higher risk of developing anaemia.
  • A diet lacking in iron-rich foods or a vegetarian/vegan diet without proper iron supplements can contribute to anaemia.
  • Certain chronic conditions such as kidney disease, gastrointestinal disorders, or autoimmune diseases can increase the risk of anaemia.
  • Insufficient intake of iron supplements for women during pregnancy.
  • She had Iron deficiency anaemia previously.

Deficiency of iron supplements during pregnancy is an alarming condition. It needs immediate attention and proper iron supplements for anemia. This type of anaemia can result in several complications which can impose severe health risks such as:

  • Postpartum depression
  • Preterm birth
  • Infections
  • Low birth weight
  • Blood transfusion during pregnancy
  • Impaired growth of the foetus

How can a pregnant woman increase Iron supplement intake through diet?

Iron is found in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian sources. The following food items (vegetarian and non-vegetarian) contain a good amount of Iron and should be included in the regular diet:

  • Dark, green leaves (spinach, kale)
  • Beans, lentils, peas, legumes
  • Soybeans, tofu
  • Nuts, seeds
  • Sesame, pumpkin, flaxseeds
  • Fruits (pomegranate, banana, raspberries, dried apricots, mulberries)
  • Whole grains
  • Meat, poultry, egg, fish

In addition to eating foods rich in Iron, adding foods that can enhance the absorption of Iron, such as foods high in Vitamin C, are also beneficial for the body. Vitamin C facilitates Iron absorption thus, consuming tomatoes, oranges, lemons, etc. is beneficial. Using Iron cookware also enhances the Iron levels in the food.

Along with a balanced diet, Indian gynaecologists also recommend iron tablets for women during pregnancy.

When should a woman take iron tablet for pregnancy?

It is recommended to start consuming Iron-rich foods before the first prenatal consultation to avoid Iron deficiency anaemia. Iron-deficient diets are the primary reasons for anaemia, especially when the pregnant woman is vegan or vegetarian and unable to get enough iron vitamins for pregnancy from non-veg sources. Thus, Iron is recommended in the form of iron tablets.

How Much Iron Supplements for Women Required During Pregnancy?

ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) recommends 35 mg of Iron every day. As per the recommendations, the pregnant woman must consume iron supplements in the form of natural sources such as green leafy vegetables, cereals, etc. However, if she is anaemic, her doctor may prescribe a 60 mg Iron or more during her pregnancy. This is usually given in the form of Ferric Ascorbate or Ferrous Fumarate orally.

Why should Iron be given in Slow-Release form? 

The Human Body absorbs only 12-18 mg Iron at one time. It’s best to take a small dose of Iron 2-3 times daily for best absorption and minimum side effects. However, this is not practical. Therefore, it is recommended to give an oral dosage of Iron in the form of Slow Release, which is gentle on the stomach. Slow-release iron leads to better and continuous absorption without leading to any toxicity in the body which can impact other biological processes. It will also reduce the symptoms of black stools, acidity & gastritis usually caused by a higher dose of Iron.

Can a pregnant woman take an international prenatal pill during pregnancy?

When it comes to choosing iron tablets for pregnant women, Indian women are often confused. Being expensive, the purchase of international prenatal pills with iron is enhanced with the hope that these would meet all the nutritional needs of pregnant women in India. However, this isn’t true all the time. Every country has a regulatory authority which structures certain guidelines of diet and nutrition for its people. International pregnancy supplements with iron are not designed keeping in mind the genetics, environment, and lifestyle of Indian pregnant women. Thus, consuming international iron tablets for women won’t be that beneficial for an Indian pregnant woman as these don’t follow ICMR guidelines. The amount of nutrients and minerals present in international prenatal tablets is not according to the Indian dietary requirements.

Are Trimacare is the Best iron tablet for Indian Pregnant Women?

The iron tablet for pregnancy is offered for pregnant women and unborn babies. An iron tablet for women is essential for a successful and healthy pregnancy since it boosts energy levels in the mother, prevents anaemia, and supports the unborn child’s healthy growth and cognitive development. Though these iron tablets for women are good, they are inadequate which means they don’t contain the micronutrients as per the dietary requirements of Indian pregnant ladies.

Trimacare iron pill for pregnancy is designed and formulated by a team of doctors, pharmacologists, and nutritionists following the guidelines of WHO and ICMR. Trimacare iron tablets for pregnancy are available in three separate packs for each trimester, as pregnancy demands vary by trimester, it offers all the 20+ nutrients necessary for the holistic development of the child.

The first trimester itself is a sensitive phase where the pregnant woman must deal with a lot of changes and unpleasant experiences (such as morning sickness). Trimacare pregnancy supplement with iron is India’s first multivitamin that addresses pregnancy demands throughout the pregnancy while also providing trimester-specific care.

Trimacare 2 pregnancy tablet for the second trimester, and Trimacare 3 prenatal vitamins with iron contain 60 mg of Iron as Ferrous ascorbate. Trimacare women’s prenatal vitamin uses a Unique Time Release form which allows slow absorption of Iron and prevents gastrointestinal side effects.

Trimacare 3 iron tablets during pregnancy contain Time-Release Iron, which decreases gastrointestinal discomfort and eliminates bloating associated with ordinary iron pills. Many prenatal pills contain iron, which could turn your faeces black.

Trimacare prenatal vitamins for women, on the other hand, do not turn your faeces black. Trimacare 3 prenatal multivitamins during pregnancy also contain a bowel regulator, which helps with pregnancy-related constipation.

Trimacare iron tablets for women can be introduced at any stage of pregnancy. Trimacare prenatal tablet is a one-stop solution to fulfil all the nutritional needs during pregnancy. Hence, pregnant women can acquire 20+ important nutrients from one Trimacare prenatal pill to ensure they get everything they need during their pregnancy. Trimacare pregnancy supplement is made with natural, plant-based ingredients making it safe and chemical-free.

Trimacare iron tablet for pregnancy are recommended by leading doctors in India. This multivitamin tablet for pregnancy with iron is available both online (Amazon, 1mg, Flipkart) and offline at your nearest chemist.

You can continue using Trimacare iron tablets for women after delivery and during the lactation period.

TrimacareTM iron capsule for pregnancy is recommended by leading doctors in India. These iron tablets for pregnancy are available both online (Amazon1mgFlipkart) and offline at your nearest chemist.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Why is iron important during pregnancy?

Iron is fundamental during pregnancy as it aids the course of action of red platelets, which move oxygen to both the mother and the making youngster. Moreover, it supports the placenta and embryo to develop and create.

  1. How much iron do pregnant women need?

To support the increased blood volume and ensure proper oxygen supply to the fetus and placenta, pregnant women typically require approximately 27 milligrams of iron per day.

  1. What are the consequences of iron deficiency during pregnancy?

Lack of iron during pregnancy can prompt weakness, which can expand the risk of preterm conveyance, low birth weight, and formative defers in the child. It can likewise bring about exhaustion and shortcoming in the mother.

  1. What are good sources of iron for pregnant women?

Great wellsprings of iron for pregnant ladies incorporate lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, lentils, invigorated grains, spinach, and dried natural products like apricots and raisins. Devouring these food sources close to L-ascorbic acid-rich food sources can upgrade iron retention.

  1. Can pregnant women take iron supplements?

Iron supplements may be necessary for pregnant women with iron deficiency or who are at risk of developing iron deficiency. It’s vital to follow the suggested measurement and talk with a medical care proficient before beginning any enhancements during pregnancy.