Pregnancy is the most crucial time in a woman’s life. A woman needs to be more careful during the gestation period to ensure the safety of the baby and her health. More care can help in the better development of the baby. The diet of a pregnant woman is a crucial aspect that should be taken care of. Proper nourishment is necessary for the mother and the baby.

What should you avoid when pregnant?

Food items to be avoided in pregnancy

There are particularly some food items that are meant to be avoided during pregnancy. These food items contain certain ingredients that might affect the development of the baby. To avoid any complications, the mother should not prefer having specific food items on her everyday diet plan.

  • Raw or undercooked meat

Raw or undercooked meat might contain various parasites that can enter the body and settle inside. This can be very dangerous during pregnancy, and hence should be avoided. Sausages, meat, etc. should always be cooked thoroughly before consuming.

  • Unpasteurized milk and dairy products

Unpasteurized milk is the milk that has not been boiled, cooled, and then boiled again. Unpasteurized milk is a source of harmful germs, and pregnant women must avoid its intake.

  • Liver and other food products containing excess vitamin A

 Excess of anything is bad. The same goes for the liver. It contains excess vitamin A, which can harm the fetus and should be avoided.

  • Certain cheese 

Soft cheese can contain many harmful bacteria, that can negatively affect the baby and the health of the mother.

  • Raw eggs or undercooked eggs

Anything that is undercooked might contain live bacteria, parasites, etc. This applies to eggs too. Therefore, consumption of raw eggs or undercooked eggs should be avoided by pregnant women.

  • Alcohol

This should be completed avoided in the first trimester. A certain one or two units are acceptable but not more than that. They can cause neurological defects and can harm the proliferating cells of the fetus.

  • Caffeine

Too much caffeine consumption is also harmful to the baby and can lead to miscarriages and malnourished babies. Pregnant women should limit caffeine consumption and avoid it if possible.

  • Certain kind of fish

Fish is healthy and provide all the healthy nutrients. But some fishes contain an excess of nutrients, which are not required by our body. Sharks, tuna, etc. have high levels of mercury, which can harm the fetus and maternal health. It is also wise to avoid undercooked or raw fish to prevent the harmful effects of bacteria and parasites.

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Immunity Booster for Pregnant Women

It is paramount to maintain high levels of immunity for pregnant women. So, what can a pregnant woman take to boost the immune system?

This question is always on our minds. Pregnant ladies can consume vitamin supplements for pregnancy that contain all the necessary micronutrients which help in boosting the immune system. Also, the family should take care of the diet of the mother and be helpful during pregnancy.

What can a pregnant woman take to boost the immune system?

A pregnant woman should take a healthy diet and supplements of micronutrients, that help in maintaining the optimum level of nutrition required by her body and helps in maintaining good health. A pregnant woman should take the advice of a doctor before going for the nutritional supplementation to ensure safety, depending on the health of the woman.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO):

  • Iron is more critical for pregnant women as it helps in the production of more blood for the baby and the woman. It also increases the supply of oxygen throughout the body and prevents iron-deficiency or anemia.
  • Calcium helps in the circulation of blood and movement of muscles. At least 1000 mg to 2000 mg of calcium is to be taken every day as a supplement during pregnancy.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids help with the baby’s brain and retina development.
  • Choline Bitartrate helps with the baby’s brain and spinal cord development.
  • Zinc helps in reducing the chances of pre- births.
  • Iodine helps in the production of fetal and maternal thyroid hormones essential in the development of the fetal brain and other systems.
  • Magnesium is necessary for the regulation of body temperature and maintenance of nerve and muscle electric potentials.
  • Vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B7, Vitamin B12, Vitamin K1 +K2 are beneficial in boosting the immune system.


TrimacareTM is a one-stop solution for pregnant women. TrimacareTM  has 3 stages for three trimesters – T1, T2, and T3, respectively. TrimacareTM fulfills the specific need for the development of the fetus and helps in supporting the physical needs of the mother. TrimacareTM is the solution for the most asked question: what can a pregnant woman take to boost immune system? 

TrimacareTM contains all the essential nutrients needed just in one pill. It is naturally made from plant sources leading to no side-effects.

  • This pill is designed differently for different trimesters based on the needs of the mother for the development of the baby.
  • It is more beneficial for undernourished pregnant women as it provides all the essential nutrients needed to overcome their deficiency in the level of nutrients.
  • There is a difference in the colour of the pills for different trimesters, which helps in better identification.
  • This pill has a high absorption level that makes it more effective.
  • The pill is completely plant-based. It can be consumed by vegetarians without any worry.
  • This pill prevents causing side-effects like nausea, vomiting, etc.
  • These pills are specially designed according to the Indian Council of Medial Research (ICMR) and World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines.
  • TrimacareTM is non – GMO, free from allergens, NSF certified as well as FSSAI licensed multivitamin.
  • TrimacareTM is easily available at medical stores. One can get them online, too.
  • TrimacareTM is highly advised as it is one way to help balance all the needed nutrients.
  • It is a better choice to have a pill a day for all the nourishment rather than using many pills for different uses.

TrimacareTM  is the best way to compensate for the loss of nutrients that may not be available in the food that the pregnant woman consumed.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What foods should I avoid during pregnancy?

Swordfish and shark, which are high in mercury, as well as unpasteurized dairy products, raw or undercooked meats, and deli meats, should be avoided.

2. Can I eat sushi while pregnant?

Due to the potential mercury content of some fish and the risk of food-borne illnesses, it is generally advised to avoid sushi during pregnancy.

3. Is it safe to consume caffeine during pregnancy?

It’s ideal to restrict caffeine consumption during pregnancy to something like 200 mg each day, which is around one 12-ounce mug of espresso.

4. Can I eat soft cheeses while pregnant?

Delicate cheeses like brie, camembert, and blue cheddar ought to be stayed away from during pregnancy because of the gamble of listeria defilement.

5. Are there any fruits or vegetables to avoid during pregnancy?

While most products of the soil are protected to eat during pregnancy, it’s critical to wash them completely to eliminate any likely microorganisms or pesticides. Juices and sprouts that have not been pasteurized should be avoided because they may increase the likelihood of foodborne illness.