Nutrition is a fundamental requirement of every human being. Nutrients including proteins, vitamins, and minerals are the basic building blocks of life. These nutrients provide energy and maintain the health and normal function of the body. Their deficiencies can result in deformity and abnormal health, however the same can be severe during pregnancy when the pregnant woman is carrying a new life.

There are several reasons for nutritional deficiencies. These can be genetic however one of the major reasons for nutritional deficiencies is an imbalanced diet. As per common Indian practices, the diet in India is rich in calories (carbohydrate-rich) though it lacks essential micronutrients.

Our body receives various nutrients from the diet which contribute a lot to the biological processes. One of such nutrients is Vitamin B (B-complex). A group of 8 water-soluble vitamins, B-complex is required for a number of metabolic functions in the body. Vitamin B complex content are:

  1. B1 – Thiamine
  2. B2 – Riboflavin
  3. B3 – Niacin
  4. B5 – Pantothenic acid
  5. B6 – Pyridoxine
  6. B7 – Biotin
  7. B9 – Folate
  8. B12 – Cobalamin

Each of these B vitamins has a unique function and the human body requires them in a regular diet every day because many of them aren’t stored in the body. These vitamins help initiate several enzymatic reactions, synthesis of red blood cells, maintaining healthy body tissues, brain cells, skin cells, energy production from carbohydrate, DNA production, neurochemical synthesis, breaking down fats to make amino acids, etc. The vitamin B complex content is also involved in oxygen transportation.

Trimacare Best Prenatal Tablets for Pregnant Women with Vitamin K


Let us understand these vitamin B complex and pregnancy one by one including their roles, dietary sources, and deficiencies if any:

  1. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 

Thiamine is required through daily dietary intake since the liver can only store a minute amount of this water-soluble B vitamin. Its role in several biological processes including the growth and functions of numerous types of cells, especially in the brain development of the baby is pivotal.

Vitamin B complex tablet uses our body for the normal utilization of carbohydrates. This vitamin B complex facilitates energy production through carbohydrate conversion. Energy is one of the major requirements during pregnancy for both the mother-to-be and the baby. It further enables the smooth functioning of the heart, nervous system, muscles, etc.

Vitamin B complex is found in several foods such as beans, nuts, cereal, meat, etc. Thiamine deficiency can arise due to a deficient diet. Some common symptoms include fatigue, nausea, and weakness. Beriberi is a major concern which is a disease caused by thiamine deficiency. Vitamin B complex foods deficiency is commonly seen in developing countries due to dietary practices. No evidence has been reported of overconsumption of thiamine during pregnancy.

  1. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 

The human body requires riboflavin for various purposes, the most important being cellular respiration. Common b complex foods sources are green vegetables, meat, almonds, eggs, milk and dairy products, mushrooms, etc. This vitamin serves as a crucial component for two coenzymes, flavin mononucleotide and flavin adenine dinucleotide. These coenzymes are responsible for carrying out several biological processes including cellular growth and function, various metabolism activities such as fats, steroids, energy production, etc.

Riboflavin deficiency is common in developing countries like India. A primary reason for this is the consumption of wheat and rice and poor intake of dairy and meat products. Some of the common signs of riboflavin deficiencies include dermatitis, cracked lips, anaemia, etc.

If a pregnant woman is suffering from eating disorder (anorexia), she is more vulnerable to the deficiency. Also, lactose-intolerant pregnant mothers will have the deficiency. Excess of Vitamin B2 is excreted out of the body.

  1. Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 

Niacin is required in several essential biological processes including energy metabolism, lowering triglyceride and cholesterol levels, maintaining the digestive and neural system, maintaining hair and skin health, DNA synthesis, cell signalling functions, etc. Its presence is involved in several enzymatic reactions.

Since it is a water-soluble B vitamin, which means it can easily get flushed out of the body, it is required in everyday diet. Some common food sources of Vitamin B3 are dairy products such as whole milk, cheese, curd, nuts & seeds, sweet pepper, lentils, beans, mushrooms, green peas, etc.

Its deficiency can arise due to an imbalanced diet however alcoholism is also a common cause. Its deficiency can lead to headaches, unstable focus, poor circulation, dizziness, skin inflammation, etc. It prevents birth defects, and miscarriages, improves digestion, removes nausea, etc.

  1. Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) 

Also referred to as Pantothenate, this vitamin is needed for countless biological functions such as hormone production (especially pregnancy hormones, stress-relieving hormones), synthesis and metabolism of proteins, fats, coenzyme A, etc. Pantothenic acid can help with leg cramps which are common in pregnancy. This vitamin speeds up the healing process of skin wounds.

Whole grains are a good source of Vitamin B5. Some other natural sources include sunflower seeds, oats, cauliflower, sweet potato, milk, banana, orange, etc. Its deficiency is seen rarely as it can be found in a variety of food which is easily available.

Its deficiency can be associated with some other Vitamin B. If a pregnant woman is suffering from toxaemia, she is likely to have a deficiency of this vitamin. Some common symptoms include vomiting, stomach pain, insomnia, fatigue, etc.

  1. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 

Pyridoxine is essential for the baby’s nervous system development. It is required in the production of neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters direct several metabolic functions in the body. One of the most important roles of Pyridoxine is to prevent vomiting and nausea during pregnancy which can impact the mood of a pregnant woman a lot. It further helps in preventing low birth weight and keeps healthy blood-glucose levels.

Its dietary sources include sweet potato, brown rice, banana, spinach, bean, garlic, chicken, etc. Vitamin B6 deficiency can arise due to several factors including deficient diet, increasing demands by the foetus, disturbed metabolism of Vitamin B6, etc. Supplementing with Vitamin B6 can prevent the deficiency.

  1. Vitamin B7 (Biotin) 

Biotin accelerates the process of energy production from food. It is also involved in several other metabolic processes, catabolism of amino acids, synthesis of fatty acids, gluconeogenesis, etc. Its role is also involved in the foetal development and health of the baby. It is essential for skin, hair, and nail, maintaining blood sugar levels, and can also help expectant mothers to have babies with good health.

The dietary sources include meat, fish, eggs, dairy products such as milk, cheese, nuts (walnut, almonds, peanuts), grains, legumes, fruits (avocado, raspberries), vegetables (cauliflower, cucumbers, carrots), etc.

Biotin deficiency is usually noticed in the late pregnancy phase. Sometimes, it happens due to the rapid breakdown of biotin. This leads to reduced levels of biotin in the body. It may have some health issues such as skin, hair, and nail health problems, fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, etc. Its overdose is likely to cause acne, allergies, and miscarriage in rare cases.

  1. Vitamin B9 (Folate) 

Vitamin B9 helps in energy production, from carbohydrates to glucose. Folic acid is important for emotional and mental wellbeing during pregnancy. A synthetic form of Folate, it helps the neural tube to close properly during the first few weeks of pregnancy. It also is required for the formation of the circulatory system and heart of the baby. It further helps in preventing gestational diabetes, preterm birth, miscarriage, cleft lip, and palate.

Some natural sources include green leafy vegetables, eggs, beets, broccoli, legumes, citrus fruits, nuts, etc.

Its deficiency can lead to anaemia when the body lacks enough haemoglobin to produce red blood cells. This can be caused if a pregnant woman doesn’t take a diet rich in Folic acid. Alcohol consumption can also hinder Folate absorption. Overdose of Folate can mask the signs of B12 deficiency which may result in nerve health risks, though it is rare.

  1. Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) 

Vitamin B12 is an important dietary requirement which helps in maintaining the health of the pregnant woman. It is required for making red blood cells, healthy functioning of nerve tissues, digestion, Iron usage, immune function, food absorption, digestion, etc. Its role is also involved in making genetic materials including DNA where it works with Folate. It is also required in the formation of the neural tube and brain development of the foetus.

Some food sources include milk, seafood, dairy products, fortified cereals, etc. Its deficiency can cause unstable breathing and heartbeat, tiredness, bleeding gums, weight loss, digestive problems, etc. Dietary deficiency and poor absorption from the food are some common causes of Vitamin B12 deficiency. It is rare but B12 deficiency may increase the chances of neural tube defects in the baby.

Vitamin B-complex plays a key role in supporting health and strengthening the body of the mother and the baby. This family of vitamin B complex helps in keeping a healthy pregnancy and is considered the most important pregnancy nutrient during the first trimester.

When should a pregnant woman take Vitamin B Complex Tablets?

Since Vitamin B-complex tablets is a group of 8 water-soluble vitamins, which means the body can’t store them, the requirement of vitamin B complex during pregnancy is crucial. All these vitamin B complex vitamins are required in a balanced amount regularly to keep the body functioning healthily. This is also the same in the case of the growing foetus.

The deficiency of vitamin B complex vitamins may result in adverse effects on embryonic development. It can be a survival challenge in rare situations. Thus, if a pregnant woman is unable to keep a track of her diet or lacks access to a proper balanced diet, she should start taking Vitamin B complex tablets right from the first trimester. She should continue it throughout the pregnancy considering these vitamins are involved in the overall growth of the foetus which takes place periodically during all the trimesters.

How much Vitamin B complex tablets Required for a pregnant woman?

As per the guidelines of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the following table shows the recommended amount of Vitamin B complex tablets during pregnancy:

Vitamin B Amount (ICMR guidelines)
Vitamin B1 1.6 mg
Vitamin B2 2 mg
Vitamin B3 18 mg
Vitamin B5 5 mg
Vitamin B6 2.5 mg
Vitamin B7 30 mcg
Vitamin B9 500 mcg
Vitamin B12 1.2 mcg

Lower intake is likely to cause deficiency of these vitamins. A pregnant woman should consume these amounts through a healthy diet which must include fresh fruits and vegetables.

Benefits and Side Effects of Vitamin B Complex Tablets

Benefits of Vitamin B Complex Multivitamin Tablets

Incorporating Vitamin B complex multivitamin tablets into your daily routine can offer lots of benefits. From boosting energy levels and supporting metabolism to promoting healthy skin and hair, these B Complex tablets serve as a comprehensive solution of nutritional gaps. Additionally, B complex vitamins are essential for maintaining a healthy nervous system and supporting cognitive function, making them indispensable for overall well-being.

Who Can Benefit from B Complex Tablets?

Vitamin B complex multivitamins are suitable for individuals of all ages and lifestyles. Whether you’re a busy professional or an older adult looking to support brain health, vitamin b complex multivitamins can be beneficial. Pregnant women and vegetarians/vegans, who may have required increased nutrients, can also benefit from the comprehensive support provided by Vitamin B complex multivitamin tablets.

Vitamin B Complex Side Effects and Precautions

While Vitamin B complex multivitamins are generally safe for most people, there are some precautions to keep in mind. High doses of certain B vitamins, such as B6 and B12, may cause vitamin B complex side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, or nerve damage. Individuals with underlying health conditions or those taking medications should consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new pregnancy supplements.

Which is the best Vitamin B Complex Tablets available for Indian pregnant women?

Pregnancy is a phase of several challenges and changes, both emotional and physical. Adopting a new lifestyle and diet plan can be a daunting task for some. Keeping a track of what to eat and when to eat is another challenge where a pregnant woman can get confused. If she fails to get the right amount of nutrients at the right time, she will have to deal with several pregnancy complications. Thus, she deserves a pregnancy supplement based on the recommendations of ICMR, exclusively designed for Indian pregnant women.

TrimacareTM by PlusPlus Lifesciences is designed and formulated by a team of doctors, pharmacologists, and nutritionists following the guidelines of WHO and ICMR. TrimacareTM comes in 3 different packs for each trimester, as the pregnancy needs are unique in each trimester, and it provides all the 20+ nutrients required by a pregnant woman and her child holistically and to supplement the needs perfectly.

The table given below talks about the amount of each B-complex vitamin which all the TrimacareTM products contain. TrimacareTM 1 caters to the requirements of the first trimester of pregnancy. TrimacareTM 2 fulfills the requirements of the second trimester of pregnancy. TrimacareTM 3 fulfills the requirements of the third trimester of pregnancy.

Vitamin B TrimacareTM 1 TrimacareTM 2 TrimacareTM 3
Vitamin B1
(Thiamine mono nitrate)
1.6 mg 1.6 mg 1.6 mg
Vitamin B2


2 mg 2 mg 2 mg
Vitamin B3


18 mg 18 mg 18 mg
Vitamin B5

(D-Pantothenate calcium)

5 mg 5 mg 5 mg
Vitamin B6

(Pyridoxine hydrochloride)

10 mg 3 mg 3 mg
Vitamin B7


30 mcg 30 mcg 30 mcg
Vitamin B9
5 mg 0.5 mg 0.5 mg
Vitamin B12


3.6 mcg 3.6 mcg 3.6 mcg

It can be introduced at any stage of pregnancy. It is a one stop solution which supplements all the micronutrient needs in pregnancy. Hence, there is no need to take multiple pills every day for different nutrients. It is made with natural, plant-based ingredients thus it is safe and chemical-free.

TrimacareTM is recommended by leading doctors of India. This pregnancy supplement is available both online (Amazon1mgFlipkart) and offline at your nearest chemist. Ask your doctor for TrimacareTM today!

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can pregnant women benefit from taking Vitamin B Complex multivitamin tablets?

Indeed, pregnant ladies can profit from taking Vitamin B Complex multivitamin tablets as they give fundamental supplements pivotal to both maternal and fetal wellbeing during pregnancy.

2. What are the benefits of Vitamin B Complex multivitamin tablets during pregnancy?

Tablets of the Vitamin B Complex multivitamin can aid in the formation of red blood cells, support healthy fetal development, lower the risk of birth defects, and improve the mother’s overall health.

3. Are there any specific vitamins within the B Complex that are particularly important during pregnancy?

Indeed, certain nutrients inside the B Complex, for example, folic acid (Vitamin B9) and Vitamin B12, are especially significant during pregnancy as they assume critical parts in brain tube improvement and red platelet arrangement, separately.

4. How should pregnant women incorporate Vitamin B Complex multivitamin tablets into their daily routine?

Before taking Vitamin B Complex multivitamin tablets, pregnant women should talk to their doctor about the right amount to take for their specific needs and follow the directions.

5. Are there any potential risks or side effects associated with taking Vitamin B Complex multivitamin tablets during pregnancy?

While Vitamin B Complex multivitamin tablets are by and large viewed as safe for most pregnant ladies, over the top admission of specific nutrients inside the perplexing, like Vitamin B6, may prompt antagonistic impacts. Pregnant women must adhere to the recommended dosages and discuss any concerns with their healthcare provider.