Folic acid is a nutrient that is recommended to be taken not just during pregnancy, but also preconception when a woman is of childbearing age. Folic acid is a synthesized version of naturally available B Vitamin known as “Folate” and prevents Neural Tube Defects in the baby and plays an important role in Red Blood Cell production.

Benefits of Folic Acid Tablets During Pregnancy 

The supplementation of Folic Acid tablets for pregnancy is crucial. This is because the Neural Tube forms in the first few weeks of pregnancy, often before the pregnant woman even knows that she’s pregnant. This makes adequate supplementation of Folic Acid during pre-conception very important. Some benefits of Folic Acid during pregnancy are –

  • Folic Acid can prevent Neural Tube Defects such as Spina Bifida and Anencephaly
  • Folic Acid can protect the baby from Cleft Lip and Palate
  • Folic can prevent Low Birth Weight in babies, Miscarriage, and Poor Growth in the womb.
  • Folic acid during pregnancy can reduce the risk of pregnancy complications, heart disease, stroke, some types of cancers, and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Folic Acid’s proven & suggested benefits make this nutrient a must-have during pregnancy to prevent diseases & complications.

Trimacare Best Prenatal Tablets for Pregnant Women with Vitamin K

Sources of Folic Acid 

The following foods can provide you with adequate quantities of Folic Acid –

  • Fortified Cereals
  • Lentils
  • Spinach
  • Enriched Egg Noodles
  • Asparagus
  • Seeds and Nuts

Since pregnant women might not be able to derive adequate Folic Acid quantities from food, it is recommended that women consume Folic Acid Tablets.

Trimacare Prenatal Supplements with Folate and 20 plus Essential Pregnancy Nutrients 

Trimacare Prenatal Tablets contain L-Methyl Folate, which is absorbable even by people having MTHFR gene mutation. People with MTHFR mutation cannot convert Folic Acid present in other supplements to metabolically active Folate, thereby causing a Folate Deficiency. Consuming L-Methyl Folate ensures that the pregnant lady can effectively absorb & utilize the Folate, even if she has an MTHFR mutation. Additionally, L-Methyl Folate is 7 times more bioavailable than Folic Acid, making it much better & safer for Indian Pregnant Ladies.

In addition to Iron, Folate, and Calcium as per the IFC Model, Trimacare Prenatal Tablets also contain Multi Micronutrients as per the MMN Model. This ensures that the pregnant woman is being supplemented with adequate quantities of nutrients she would require for a healthy baby & a safe pregnancy. Formulated by doctors, pharmacologists, and nutritionists as per the WHO & ICMR guidelines, Trimacare Prenatal Tablets come in a unique Trimester-Wise course to meet the dynamic nutrient requirements of the different trimesters of pregnancy. As the pregnant woman’s body transforms during pregnancy to accommodate the growing needs of the foetus, the pregnant mother requires different nutrients in specific quantities. The Trimester-wise formulation of Trimacare Prenatal Pills ensures that the pregnant lady is receiving all the nutrients she and her baby need. Trimacare Prenatal Supplements contain 20 plus nutrients in one pill, removing the need to eat multiple pills during pregnancy. The Anti-Emetic Blend & Vitamin B6 in Trimacare 1 and the Bowel Regulator in Trimacare 3 reduce morning sickness in the first trimester, and constipation in the third trimester. The unique Time Release Iron prevents the gastrointestinal symptoms associated with conventional iron supplements, making it gentler on the stomach & easy to swallow.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is folic acid?

Folic acid is a manufactured type of folate, which is a kind of B nutrient. It is frequently found in fortified foods and supplements.

2. Why is folic acid tablets important during pregnancy?

Folic acid tablet is significant during pregnancy since it forestalls brain tube surrenders in the creating baby, for example, spina bifida and anencephaly.

3. How much folic acid should I take during pregnancy?

Taking 400 to 800 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid daily during pregnancy is typically recommended to lower the risk of neural tube defects.

4. When should I start taking folic acid tablets before getting pregnant?

To ensure that adequate levels are present in the body during the early stages of pregnancy, it is recommended to begin taking folic acid supplements at least one month prior to conception.

5. Can I get enough folic acid from food alone?

While specific food sources like salad greens, citrus natural products, and invigorated cereals contain folate, it tends to be trying to get enough exclusively from diet. Subsequently, it’s fitting to enhance with folic acid corrosive during pregnancy to meet suggested levels.