A common discourse that happens amongst women is how pregnant women just “know” they are pregnant. The fact that they were actively trying for a baby sure has a role to play in this gut feeling, but certain signs and symptoms can also hint towards conception. Since significant development of the foetus occurs during the first trimester, your pre-conception diet, nutrition, lifestyle, and habits must be prioritized. Folic Acid Supplementation by the mother during initial pregnancy prevents Neural Tube Defects in the Baby, making Multi Micronutrient Supplementation an essential part of your prenatal supplementation. Trimacare provides you with 20 plus essential nutrients in one prenatal tablet (Including Iron, Folate, Calcium, Vitamins, and Minerals) so that your nutrient reserves are secure during the first trimester.

There are several ways the body prepares for implantation and pregnancy, and if you observe the signs and symptoms closely, your body might be giving you hints about a successful conception.

Trimacare Prenatal Vitamins & Supplements for Healthy Pregnancy

Heightened Sense of Smell and Food Cravings 

Some women experience a heightened sense of smell and feel an aversion towards certain food groups during the initial days of pregnancy. This is common and may show up as one of the first few symptoms of pregnancy. Some food groups may trigger nausea and some foods may seem a lot more repulsive than usual.

Mood Swings 

The influx of pregnancy hormones and surge in oestrogen and progesterone may lead you to have mood swings. Heightened emotions might be felt by the pregnant lady along with anxiety and depression. If these feelings persist, try to reach out to healthcare professionals and loved ones and know that mood swings are a common symptom of pregnancy.

Frequent Urination 

Some women experience increased urination during the initial weeks of pregnancy due to the surge in hormones and the gradually increasing blood volume during pregnancy.

Fatigue and Tiredness 

The pregnancy hormones can cause tiredness and fatigue in the pregnant lady, causing her to feel exhausted in the first trimester.

Breast Changes 

The increased hormones during the initial weeks of pregnancy can cause swollen and tender breasts. Skin changes and areolar darkness are also common in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Not getting your period 

If your period is getting delayed well beyond the usual menstrual cycle length, chances are you might be pregnant. Missed periods can have other causes, but if you’re trying for a baby a miss your period you must get a home pregnancy test to determine if you’re pregnant.

Take Away 

If you’re trying to get pregnant and your body starts showing symptoms that might be pointing towards a successful pregnancy, you must meet your gynecologist for a urine pregnancy test and blood test. If positive, it would be followed by subsequent ultrasounds. Your doctor would also give you dietary advice, information about prenatal supplementation, a list of precautions, do’s, and don’ts, along with several preventative check-ups to ensure a smooth pregnancy. Make sure you prioritize your nutrition in this crucial period, to avoid any deficiency-related diseases in you and the baby. If your diet isn’t sufficiently providing you with the necessary micronutrients, supplement it with prenatal vitamins that take care of your nutritional needs. Pregnancy can be a transforming experience for you physically, mentally, and emotionally, but with the proper support and guidance, it is possible to make it a smooth and fulfilling period of your life.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What are some early symptoms of pregnancy before visiting a gynaecologist?

A few early side effects of pregnancy incorporate missed periods, exhaustion, queasiness or regurgitating (morning infection), bosom delicacy, continuous pee, and increased feeling of smell.

2. Can mood swings be an indicator of pregnancy?

Yes, hormonal changes can cause mood swings, which is a common pregnancy symptom. During the early stages of pregnancy, some women may exhibit irritability, mood swings, or emotional sensitivity.

3. Is it normal to experience food cravings during early pregnancy?

Yes, it’s normal for pregnant ladies to encounter food desires, frequently for explicit sorts of food that they may not generally want. Individual cravings can be very different and may change during pregnancy.

Q4. What role do hormonal changes play in early pregnancy symptoms?

Hormonal changes, especially increments in progesterone and estrogen, assume a huge part in causing early pregnancy side effects like sickness, bosom delicacy, and exhaustion. These hormonal movements assist with setting up the body for pregnancy and backing the creating baby.

5. How soon can pregnancy symptoms start after conception?

Pregnancy side effects can begin as soon as one to about fourteen days after origination. However, the onset and severity of symptoms can differ significantly between women. Some might encounter side effects ahead of schedule, while others may not see any until half a month into the pregnancy.