Pregnancy is crucial for proper nutrition, especially folate, a B-vitamin essential for foetal development. Excessive folate intake during pregnancy can lead to neural tube defects and autism spectrum disorders. Folate, found in leafy greens, citrus fruits, and fortified cereals, is essential for DNA synthesis, cell division, and amino acid metabolism. Pregnant women are advised to take folic acid pills for pregnancy as folate supplements to meet their daily nutrient requirements.

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Folic acid, a synthetic form of folate, is crucial for DNA synthesis and cell division, especially in early pregnancy. Deficiency can lead to neural tube defects (NTDs), such as spina bifida and anencephaly. Doctors recommend folate tablets for pregnancy before conception and during the first trimester.

However, recent studies have sparked discussions about the potential risks associated with excessive folic acid intake, particularly concerning its connection to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). While folic acid is essential for foetal development, could too much of it during pregnancy have unintended consequences?


Here are key points to consider in understanding the debate surrounding excess folic acid and autism:

  • Role of Folate in Pregnancy: Folate is crucial for DNA synthesis, repair, cell division, and growth, especially during embryonic development. Insufficient intake of folate in pregnancy can lead to neural tube defects and birth abnormalities, emphasizing the need for adequate folate levels.
  • Supplementation of Folic Acid: Folic acid pills for pregnancy are recommended for pregnant women to reduce neural tube defects risk. The recommended daily intake is 600 micrograms, which is often found in prenatal vitamins.
  • Folic Acid Link with Autism: Excessive intake of folic acid during pregnancy may increase the risk of autism in offspring due to potential interference with the methylation process, a crucial gene regulation and brain development process.
  • Correlation between autism and folic acid during pregnancy: Research indicates a correlation between high folic acid intake and autism risk, but evidence is inconclusive, with no significant association or protective effect, highlighting the need for further study.
  • Early Intervention: Early intervention in children with autism, including speech, occupational, and behavioural therapy, can significantly improve their development and help them reach their full potential, despite autism not being diagnosed in utero.


Folate and vitamin B12 deficiencies are linked to neural tube defects and may also be linked to autism spectrum disorder. It is still a big question that high folic acid levels in pregnant women and a higher autism risk in children. While folate can prevent neural development defects, excessive intake may increase the risk, suggesting a need for careful monitoring. According to a study at an autism research meeting, it was found that there is no causal link between folic acid intake and autism. However, blood tests of 1,400 mothers showed that 10% had high levels of folate, beyond recommended amounts, and were more likely to have a baby diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Folic acid, despite its potential to lower autism risk, pregnant women should continue consuming folic acid during pregnancy, according to various studies.


Doctors often recommend folic acid during pregnancy through prenatal vitamins, as it is crucial for pregnancy. Folate tablets for pregnancy provide the recommended daily allowance of folic acid, supporting healthy foetal development and reducing neural tube defects risk.


Folic acid during pregnancy is essential for the rapid growth and development of the foetus, and adequate intake is essential for maternal and foetal health. Folate in Pregnancy also prevents birth defects and contributes to neurodevelopment and cognitive function in children.


Folate tablets, a natural form of folic acid, are a popular alternative to synthetic supplements for women who prefer a more natural approach. Adequate intake of folic acid during pregnancy is crucial for a healthy pregnancy and reducing complications.


Trimacare pregnancy supplement is a one-stop solution for women, providing all the 20+ nutrients needed for pregnancy. Formulated by doctors, pharmacologists, and nutritionists, Trimacare prenatal multivitamin tablet follows WHO and ICMR guidelines. Available in three different packs for each trimester, Trimacare prenatal tablet provides 100% Required Daily Allowances (RDA) of Folate. Trimacare pregnancy supplement contains 5 mg of L-methyl folate, an advanced form of Folic Acid, recommended by leading gynaecologists in India. Trimacare prenatal tablet is made with natural, plant-based ingredients, making it safe and chemical-free. Trimacare pregnancy multivitamin is recommended by leading doctors of India and is available online and offline at local chemists.

Intake of folate in pregnancy is crucial for normal foetal development, and pregnant women should follow doctor’s recommendations for folate tablets for pregnancy and prenatal care. Further research is needed to understand the complex relationship between folic acid intake and the risk of autism spectrum disorder.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is the importance of folate in relation to autism from a pregnancy perspective?

Folate plays a crucial role in preventing neural tube defects and supporting fetal brain development, potentially reducing the risk of autism spectrum disorders.

2. How can pregnant individuals ensure they are getting sufficient folate for a healthy pregnancy?

Pregnant individuals can ensure sufficient folate intake by consuming folate-rich foods like leafy greens, fortified cereals, and supplements as recommended by their healthcare provider.

3. Is there a specific recommended dosage of folate during pregnancy to support autism prevention?

The recommended daily dosage of folate during pregnancy is typically 600 micrograms, as per healthcare guidelines, to help reduce the risk of neural tube defects and potentially contribute to autism prevention.

4. Can folate intake after conception still have a positive impact on preventing autism?

While optimal folate intake is essential during the early stages of pregnancy, maintaining a balanced folate intake throughout pregnancy may still contribute to overall fetal development and potentially lower the risk of autism.

5. Are there any potential risks or side effects associated with increased folate intake during pregnancy?

Generally, folate is considered safe when taken as recommended. However, excessive intake from supplements may have potential risks, so it’s crucial to follow healthcare guidelines to ensure a balanced and safe pregnancy.