Pregnancy causes stretch marks, especially in the third trimester, because of rapid weight gain or loss. The marks are usually reddish or purple, raised bumps that become small depressions on the skin. Commonly occurring in 8 out of 10 pregnant women, they are painless and harmless and do not necessarily need treatment.

Striae creams for stretch marks are applied during pregnancy to sustain the elasticity of the skin while hydrating and reducing the incidence of stretch marks.

During pregnancy, the stretch mark cream for striae maintains elasticity and hydration to the skin; this can lessen the severity of stretch marks since one applies it persistently during any significant body change.

ANTI STRIA is a non-Retin-A, paraben-free, fragrance-free pregnancy cream to cure stretch marks.

In this blog, let’s explore the causes and prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy, addressing their discomfort and embarrassment for many pregnant women.


  • Stretch marks are mainly due to genetic predisposition, where the skin with less collagen and less elasticity is more prone to develop.
  • Pregnancy can lead to rapid weight gain, which can increase the chances of developing stretch marks.
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to the weakening of skin fibres.

High levels of steroids in the body can lead to stretch marks, either from steroid medications or illnesses like Cushing’s syndrome.

Anti Stria - Best Stretch Mark Cream for Pregnancy


Pregnancy stretch marks can be treated effectively with topical creams, laser therapy, or microdermabrasion. These treatments stimulate collagen production and reduce the visibility of stretch marks. Consult a doctor for the safest and most suitable stretch mark treatment during pregnancy or postpartum.

Here are some effective treatments for stretch marks –

  • Topical creams and lotions: Retinol creams and lotions are not to be used during pregnancy as they cause birth defects and are advised after a few weeks of childbirth.
  • Laser therapy:  Laser therapies reduce pain, swelling, and scarring through specific wavelengths of light and help reduce the visibility of stretch marks by increasing collagen production, reinstating elastin fibres, and hardening the epidermal layer.
  • Microdermabrasion Chemical peels: Dermatologists use microdermabrasion, a non-invasive process to enhance skin tone and texture, to treat various skin conditions such as age spots, acne scars, wrinkles, and sun damage.
  • Chemical peels: Doctors, dermatologists, or plastic surgeons perform chemical peels to eliminate dead skin cells from the outer layer of the skin.
  • Radiofrequency treatments: Radiofrequency is a non-invasive procedure that heats the deeper layers of the skin, accelerates wound healing, and gives the skin hardness by strengthening collagen production.
  • Microneedling: Microneedling is a cost-effective and quite fast technique that uses radio frequencies to lift the skin to take away uneven skin surfaces particularly pregnancy stretch marks, done after delivery to avoid harming the baby.


Such creams for reducing stretch marks are enhanced with active ingredients like hyaluronic acid, retinoids, and peptides that boost skin elasticity, stimulate the production of collagen, and give better texture to the skin.

Applying striae cream for stretch marks regularly during pregnancy can help reduce the visibility of stretch marks. However, this effectiveness depends upon the type of skin, genetic factors, and the age at which stretch marks are experienced.

Regular use of stretch marks removal cream can make stretch marks much less visible effectiveness is highly variable, depending on variables such as the individual’s skin type, genetic predisposition, and the age of the stretch marks.

Helps in Hydration: Cream to take away stretch marks is typically filled with moisturizing ingredients such as cocoa butter, shea butter, or oils which will keep the skin hydrated.

Improving Skin Elasticity: Cream takes away stretch marks, containing collagen, elastin, or hyaluronic acid, and improves skin elasticity, potentially reducing stretch marks during pregnancy by enhancing skin stretchability.

Helping improve the elasticity of skin: Striae cream for stretch marks eradicates stretch marks. Most creams are filled with collagen, elastin, or hyaluronic acid. These reduce stretch marks as they enhance the capability to stretch a portion of the skin when pregnant.

Reduce Itchiness: Pregnancy causes the skin to stretch over the abdomen; this can be itchy and uncomfortable, and Striae cream for stretch marks with soothing ingredients in it can eliminate this itch and give relief.

Reducing the visibility of stretch marks: The visibility of stretch marks can be reduced by the application of cream to cure stretch marks, improving the texture and tone of the skin, which may eventually fade the appearance of existing marks over time.

Self-care and relaxation: Applying striae cream for stretch marks may be a way of self-care and relaxation, thereby creating a soothing routine during pregnancy.


ANTI STRIA cream to take away stretch marks. It is scientifically formulated and designed to reduce pregnancy, weight gain, puberty, and bodybuilding stretch marks caused by intensive muscle growth, particularly in the biceps and thighs, with a once-daily application.

The revolutionary Anti Stria formula to remove stretch marks nourishes the epidermal layer of the skin, prevents its water loss and ensures hydration and suppleness that makes it quite resilient as is the case for other creams designed to remove or cure stretch marks. The ANTI STRIA cream to clear stretch marks is a non-greasy, non-oily cream that effectively hydrates and hydrates the skin, surpassing the effectiveness of stretch mark oils.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. What are pregnancy stretch marks?

These pregnancy stretch marks, also known as striae gravidarum, are streaks, stripes, or lines that appear tight and long in the skin when a woman is pregnant. It usually appears at the midriff, breasts, hips, buttocks, and thighs.

  1. What triggers pregnancy stretch marks?

Pregnancy stretch marks are caused by a fast stretch of the skin during pregnancy because of weight gain and hormonal changes. Stretching causes the skin’s strands of collagen and elastin to become damaged, forming stretch marks.

  1. Can pregnancy stretch marks be prevented?

Although impossible to eliminate pregnancy stretch marks, there are some things you can do to make them less noticeable. These include carrying a healthy weight during pregnancy, drinking plenty of water, and using creams and oils to keep the skin moist so it doesn’t crack as easily.

  1. Are pregnancy stretch marks avoidable?

Though impossible to remove stretch marks totally from pregnancy, some things can be done to minimize their appearance. These include keeping fit during the pregnancy period, drinking a lot of water, and using creams and oils that keep the skin moist so that it does not crack easily.