During pregnancy, a woman’s blood volume typically increases from 30 to 50% to nourish the growing foetus. However, this increase also increases the heart’s workload, requiring twice as much effort to circulate the increased blood volume.

Pregnancy presents unique challenges to cardiovascular disease, including increased blood volume, heart rate, and other changes, which can complicate pre-existing conditions and introduce new cardiovascular issues.

Pregnant women are at risk of developing complex and dangerous heart conditions, ranging from simple complications like palpitations to advanced heart failure requiring hospitalization. Cardiac complications can occur during or after a normal pregnancy.

Prenatal nutrition plays a vital role in providing nutrition to pregnant women. Prenatal pills help to prevent cardiovascular disease and pregnancy. Trimacare pregnancy vitamin tablet provides 20+ essential nutrients for pregnant women, formulated under WHO and ICMR recommendations, offering a comprehensive solution for their health. Nutrients present in Trimacare vitamins such as vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, and iron helps in improving immunity, reducing hypertension and prevents cardiovascular disease during pregnancy.

Trimacare Best Prenatal Tablets for Pregnant Women with Vitamin K



The increased physiological demands, hormonal changes, and changing blood pressure cause cardiovascular disease during pregnancy. Risk factors for Cardiac disease and pregnancy include diabetes, obesity, and a family history of heart disease. The changing Lifestyle choices like smoking or drug use exacerbate cardiovascular strain. Therefore, proper care and close observation are vital to protect the mother and foetus’ health.

There are several factors that cause cardiovascular disease and pregnancy. These factors are –

  • Hormonal changes- Hormone changes i.e. higher progesterone and oestrogen levels, can lead to increased heart rate, changing pressure, and relaxed blood vessel walls causing cardiovascular system and pregnancy.
  • Increase in the volume of blood – Pregnancy significantly increases blood volume to nourish the developing foetus, putting additional burden on the heart, especially in women with existing cardiovascular disease and pregnancy.
  • Age factor – Women who are over 30 years of age are more susceptible to cardiovascular disease during pregnancy.
  • History of any complications – If you had any complications such as gestational diabetes or Preeclampsia, then you are at higher risk of cardiac disease and pregnancy.
  • Lifestyle – Pregnancy increases the risk of heart disease due to smoking, binge drinking, and drug use, leading to cardiovascular disease during pregnancy.


Pregnancy can give birth to heart conditions like coronary artery disease, preeclampsia, and congenital heart disease, leading to irregular cardiac beats called arrhythmias. To ensure a risk-free cardiac disease and pregnancy, specialized prenatal care is necessary.

During pregnancy, several types of heart diseases take place due to psychological changes in the woman’s body.

  • Congenital heart disease – Pregnancy can increase heart demands, potentially leading to congenital heart abnormalities that can become more symptomatic or complex in some women.
  • Preeclampsia- Preeclampsia is a disorder, diagnosed after 20 weeks of pregnancy that causes high blood pressure and organ damage. It is not a heart disease but potentially affects blood vessels and the heart.
  • Arrhythmias – An irregular heartbeat in the mother indicates a potentially dangerous disorder, regardless of previous experience with the issue.
  • Coronary artery diseases – The coronary artery disease is severe and life-threatening condition, resulting from tears in arteries that supply blood to the heart.
  • Valvular Heart disease – Valvular Heart disease in women may be exacerbated during pregnancy due to changes in circulation and increased blood volume.
  • Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM)Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is a rare heart failure that occurs in the final month of pregnancy or within five months of delivery, causing weaker heart functioning.


Iron is crucial for red blood cell production and preventing anemia during pregnancy. As the mother’s blood volume expands to support the developing foetus, the production of red blood cells increases. Ensuring sufficient iron intake is essential to prevent iron-deficiency anemia, which can cause fatigue, weakness, and complications. Trimacare 2 and Trimacare 3 prenatal tablets contain 60mg of time-release iron, supporting blood supply in the baby and producing haemoglobin. Trimacare uses Time-Release Iron to alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort and bloating.

Vitamin C is crucial for wound healing and tissue repair, promoting blood vessel formation, collagen synthesis, and connective tissue production. It helps in iron absorption and strengthens the immune system. Pregnant women can obtain 20+ essential nutrients with Trimacare prenatal vitamins, formulated under the ICMR and WHO Multi-Micronutrient Model. 60mg of Vitamin C present in Trimacare pregnancy multivitamin helps in iron absorption and boosting the immune system.

Zinc is crucial for cell growth, immune function, energy production, and metabolism during pregnancy. Zinc present in Trimacare pregnancy vitamin supplement helps in wound healing and boost immune system.

Trimacare prenatal vitamins for women contains Magnesium oxide, recommended by top gynaecologists, which supports maternal wellbeing by preventing cramps and preeclampsia, and reducing hypertension. Trimacare 1 and Trimacare 2 pregnancy vitamin tablets contain 206 mg of magnesium, while Trimacare 3 has 310 mg of magnesium.

Overall, the multi-micronutrient presents in Trimacare pregnancy supplement help in improving immunity, reducing hypertension and eventually preventing cardiovascular disease during pregnancy.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can women with pre-existing heart conditions safely get pregnant?

Women with pre-existing heart conditions can often have successful pregnancies, but it requires careful planning and monitoring. It’s crucial for women with heart disease to consult with their cardiologist and obstetrician before becoming pregnant to assess risks and establish a management plan.

2. What are the risks of pregnancy for women with heart disease?

Pregnancy can pose additional challenges for women with heart disease, as the cardiovascular system undergoes significant changes. The increased blood volume and heart rate during pregnancy can strain the heart, potentially leading to complications such as heart failure, arrhythmias, or high blood pressure.

3. How is pregnancy managed for women with heart disease?

The management of pregnancy in women with heart disease involves a collaborative effort between cardiologists and obstetricians. Regular monitoring of both the mother and baby’s well-being, adjustments to medications, and lifestyle modifications are crucial components of managing a healthy pregnancy in the presence of heart disease.

4. Are there specific heart conditions that pose higher risks during pregnancy?

Certain heart conditions, such as pulmonary hypertension, severe aortic stenosis, or complex congenital heart diseases, may pose higher risks during pregnancy. However, the impact varies based on the specific diagnosis and individual health factors. A thorough assessment by healthcare professionals is essential to determine the level of risk.

5. What precautions can women with heart disease take during pregnancy?

Women with heart disease should take various precautions during pregnancy, including attending all prenatal appointments, following the prescribed treatment plan, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and promptly reporting any unusual symptoms. These measures can help monitor and manage potential complications, ensuring the best possible outcome for both the mother and the baby.