Prenatal vitamins are fundamental in pregnancy, and it’s essential to substantiate it with your needs as every woman is different and requires vitamins accordingly.

During pregnancy, it is important not to skip meals or any medication offered by the doctor, however, some women tend to skip their vitamin intake to cut off the number of medicines.

Generally, it is advised that even if you feel completely healthy you need the required vitamins and supplements to grow a strong and healthy baby.

Moreover, the deficiency of vitamins is a major cause of birth defects.

What vitamins should I take during pregnancy?

pregnancy vitamin supplement

Pregnancy must be planned carefully because the journey begins even before a woman gets pregnant – she needs to be healthy throughout.

According to W.H.O., the following supplements are essential for the baby’s growth and the mother’s health:

Vitamin B9 or Folate

For strong and healthy brain and spine development of the baby.


Helps both mother and baby to create hemoglobin.


Helps in building the baby’s bones and supports the mother’s bones too.

Vitamin D

Helps with bone health and calcium absorption and strengthens the immune system.


Helps support mom and baby’s thyroid gland, and brain development.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids (DHA & EPA)

Helps with baby’s brain and retina development.

Vitamin A

Helps with baby’s growth, organ development, baby’s immune system and promotes healthy eyes and skin.

B Complex

Helps in healthy development of the baby and supports mom’s energy, relieves some pregnancy symptoms.

Vitamin C & E

Aside from supporting a healthy immune system, these antioxidants build collagen (a structural protein in skin, bone, tendons, and cartilage) in both mom and baby. Vitamin C helps in iron absorption.

Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium

These electrolytes help retain hydration. Magnesium assists in baby’s development, usually teeth and bones, and prevents premature uterine contractions.


Helps immune function in mom and aids with the rapid cell growth that occurs during pregnancy.


Helps with red blood cell formation. Also aids in baby’s growth and development.

Choline Bitartrate

Helps with baby’s brain and spinal cord development

These supplements are easily accessible through natural food too, however, to get the holistic nutrition you need supplements.

Trimacare Best Prenatal Supplements & Healthiest Fruits in Pregnancy


How much of each vitamin do I need during pregnancy?

It is vital to keep a check on your nutrient intake during pregnancy, as too many vitamins can impede the growth of your child, causing birth defects, and regular nauseousness, fatigue, and constipation.

It generally depends on the practitioner to decide your supplement intake. It is practiced differently in different countries.

For instance, most Indian doctors follow IFC MODEL, and MMN MODEL is widely practiced in the US, UK, and Australia.

However, if we take a common ground, W.H.O. suggests the prescribed nutrient intake.

When should you start taking prenatal vitamins during pregnancy?

Talk to your healthcare provider before start taking vitamins during pregnancy as it depends on your specific needs.

For example, some women are anemic, therefore, they require a higher iron intake. It depends on your environment too as urban and rural women have different requirements.

However, the best time to plan your vitamin intake is before conception.

Do prenatal vitamins have side effects?

It is often seen that many women complain about constipation, nauseousness, fatigue, after having artificial supplements.

Do not avoid such symptoms, always consult your doctor.

Nevertheless, you can curb the above symptoms by adding a fiber-rich diet, pregnancy exercises, and lots of water.

How to ensure you take all the necessary vitamins in a day

It can be a little cumbersome to keep up with all the knowledge and practice everything efficiently, keeping all the data in mind, dealing with daily nausea, fatigue, mood swings, and whatnot.

Being pregnant is complicated. However, it is important to take care properly and with love.

It is often noticed that taking too many medicines make pregnant women feel sick and tired.

Nevertheless, there are some comprehensive tablets available in the market that can provide all the nutrients holistically.

Each trimester feels unique, incredible and a little unusual as your baby grows, he\she needs different nutrients. Daily intake should be changed according to the trimester and so should all the supplements.

How do Trimacare tablets work?

Trimacare is a single-pill solution specially designed for pregnant women for each trimester.

It blends all micronutrients needed during pregnancy. Trimacare prenatal tablets have 3 versions, each designed for a specific trimester, which eliminates the need to take multiple pills.

Trimacare 1

It is specifically designed for the first trimester and helps combat problems like morning sickness, fatigue, etc. faced during the initial phase of pregnancy.

Trimacare 2

It ensures the baby and the mother gets all the nutrients required in the second trimester.

Trimacare 3

The final trimester is indeed the most beautiful yet hard stage in pregnancy as you can now feel your baby kicking, listening to your voice, understanding your feelings, and the speed of growth is now 3x. Trimacare makes sure your baby and you receive all the vital nutrients required in the third trimester.

Benefits of Trimacare

Trimacare is made from all-natural plant-based sources with no chemicals, no side effects and it is highly absorbent. Each tablet takes care of the specific needs of the mother and child during each trimester.

How to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy?

Take care of your health, never underestimate any symptoms, always consult your doctor for everything or anything, exercise, meditate, relax, read, be happy, and don’t forget to take essential and required nutrition.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Why are prenatal vitamins important during pregnancy?

Prenatal vitamins are critical during pregnancy as they give fundamental supplements like folic acid, iron, and calcium, which support the sound improvement of the hatchling and decrease the risk of birth absconds.

2. When should I start taking prenatal vitamins?

Prenatal vitamins should be taken at least one month before trying to conceive or as soon as you find out you are pregnant to ensure your baby’s healthy development.

3. Can I take regular multivitamins instead of prenatal vitamins during pregnancy?

While regular multivitamins contain a few fundamental supplements, prenatal vitamins are explicitly formed to meet the expanded wholesome necessities of pregnant ladies, including more elevated levels of folic acid and iron, which are basic for fetal turn of events.

4. What are the potential risks of not taking prenatal vitamins during pregnancy?

Not taking prenatal vitamins during pregnancy can expand the risk of brain tube surrenders, for example, spina bifida, in the child. It can likewise prompt maternal sickliness and different confusions because of lacking admission of fundamental supplements.

5. Are there any side effects of taking prenatal vitamins?

A few normal results of prenatal vitamins might incorporate queasiness, stoppage, and stomach inconvenience. However, taking the vitamins with food or at bedtime can frequently alleviate these symptoms. Assuming that you experience extreme secondary effects, counselling your doctor is fundamental.