Pregnancy is a time of transformation and growth where the nutrients the mother consumes forms her baby. The baby grows over weeks and months to form complex body systems & cognitive abilities. The mother’s body too, undergoes changes to accommodate the growing baby. The nutrient requirements of the mother change, the ligaments and muscles of the uterus stretch, the joints of the pelvis become more flexible to facilitate childbirth and the mother’s body starts to produce breastmilk. As a result of all these changes, the nutritional requirements for the mother also change during the second, third, and fourth trimesters of pregnancy – both so she can maintain her health and ensure her child’s growth & development. To provide adequate nutrition to a pregnant woman during each trimester, a Trimester-Wise Prenatal is essential.

To understand how the baby forms and what does it mean for the mother’s nutrient requirements, let’s understand it Trimester-Wise.

Trimacare Prenatal Vitamins Tablets offers Trimester-Wise Care for Your Baby's Development

Trimester 1

During the first trimester of pregnancy, several significant developments occur. It begins with the fertilized egg implanting in the uterine wall. The amniotic sac forms to provide cushioning and protection for the baby, while the placenta starts to develop. Throughout this trimester, the face, eyes, nose, mouth, lower jaw, blood cells, neural tube, digestive tract, sensory organs, and major organs are formed and continue to develop throughout the pregnancy. Other developments include the replacement of cartilage with bone, the development of fingernails and toenails, the formation of teeth, the functioning of the circulatory and urinary systems, the production of bile by the liver, and the ability of the baby to open and close its fists and make slight movements.

For a pregnant mother during the first trimester, it is important to ensure the intake of specific nutrients:

  • Folic Acid or Folate: Essential for the baby’s neural tube formation. Trimacare 1 Prenatal Tablets contain L-Methyl Folate, a highly bioavailable form of folic acid suitable for individuals with the MTHFR gene mutation.
  • Iodine: Supports the production of maternal thyroid hormones and aids in the development of the baby’s brain and nervous system.
  • Vitamin A: Supports the development of the baby’s vision, maintains maternal eye health, and plays a role in organ development.
  • Vitamin B12: Crucial for the baby’s neural tube formation, brain and spine development, and production of DNA and red blood cells. It also aids the mother’s metabolism, improving mood, energy, and stress levels.
  • Vitamin D: Facilitates calcium absorption, vital for both maternal and fetal bone health.
  • Vitamin C: Promotes collagen production, necessary for normal growth, healthy tissue, and wound healing. It also boosts immunity and enhances iron absorption, preventing anemia.
  • Zinc: Supports wound healing, strengthens immunity, aids in cell division, and helps prevent preterm birth and low birth weight.
  • Anti-Emetic & Vitamin B6: Reduces nausea and vomiting, common during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Trimacare 1 provides all these essential nutrients in appropriate quantities to fulfill the specific requirements of the first trimester, ensuring optimal growth and development of the baby.

baby development during Pregnancy

Trimester 2

During the second trimester, the foetus doubles in size, the mother can feel its movements, and the baby’s hearing begins to develop. In addition to well-defined fingernails and toenails, the child’s eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, and nails have formed, and their teeth and bones are becoming denser. The baby’s nervous system begins to function in the second trimester, reproductive organs and genitalia are fully developed, and the heartbeat is audible with the help of a doppler. Hair begins to grow on the baby’s head, fine hair called lanugo grows on the baby’s shoulders, back, and temples and sheds after birth. The baby’s skin is coated in vernix caseosa, a whitish “cheesy” substance that protects the baby from prolonged exposure to amniotic fluid & is shed right before birth. Newly developed muscles in a baby can cause “quickening” – the first movement the baby makes, which can be felt by a pregnant woman. As the pregnancy progresses, the baby responds to sounds, the eyelids part, the eyes open, and jerking movements can be felt by the pregnant mother. In addition to the nutrients mentioned for the first trimester, there are additional essential nutrients required during this trimester:

  • Iron: Supports the development of the baby’s blood supply and is crucial for hemoglobin production and oxygen transport, reducing maternal fatigue. Trimacare 2 contains unique Time-Release Iron, which provides iron supplementation during pregnancy without the gastrointestinal side effects commonly associated with conventional iron tablets.
  • Omega-3: Essential for the baby’s brain and eye development. The EPA component aids in the transportation of DHA into the baby’s cells and plays a vital role in mediating DHA concentration across the placenta. Omega-3 also helps prevent pre-term birth and low birth weight. Trimacare includes vegetarian Omega-3s derived from deep-sea algae, making it suitable for vegetarian Indian pregnant mothers.
  • Calcium: Essential for the development of the baby’s bones and teeth, as well as regulating muscle contraction and nerve function.

Trimacare 2 is an excellent choice for pregnant women, as it provides the necessary Time-Release Iron and Vegetarian Omega-3, along with other essential nutrients, to support a healthy pregnancy.

Trimester 3

During the third trimester, the baby’s development focuses on the “finer details.” Eyelashes and taste buds develop, and most of the overall development is completed. Each week, the fetus gains approximately half a pound, while the mother’s internal organs adjust to accommodate the growing baby. The baby also turns head down in preparation for delivery. The bones of the baby harden, but the skull remains flexible to allow for passage through the birth canal during childbirth.

In addition to the nutrients mentioned in the previous trimesters (Iron, Iodine, Zinc, Calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Omega-3), there is an increased demand for specific nutrients during the third trimester:

  • Magnesium: Prevents growth retardation in the fetus, helps prevent hypertension in the mother, and relieves pregnancy-induced leg cramps.
  • Vitamin K: Supports labor by reducing the chances of bleeding.
  • Bowel Regulator: Effectively relieves constipation in pregnant women.

Trimacare 3 includes Magnesium and Bowel Regulator to address the specific needs and discomforts experienced during the third trimester, allowing the mother to enjoy this stage of pregnancy.


As a pregnant woman’s nutrient requirements change with her body’s transformation and the baby’s growth, trimester-wise nutrition ensures that no nutrient gaps affect the health of the mother and baby. Trimacare’s Advanced Trimester-Wise Course is designed to meet the specific requirements of each trimester. This unique formulation, developed in accordance with WHO and ICMR recommendations by doctors, nutritionists, and gynaecologists, contains over 20 essential nutrients in one tablet. With the inclusion of Time-Release Iron, Anti-Emetic Blend & Vitamin B6, and Bowel Regulator, Trimacare Prenatal Tablets enhance the comfort of pregnant mothers. Trimacare is recommended by top doctors and tailored to meet the specific needs of Indian pregnant mothers.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How does trimester-wise care impact my baby’s development?

Trimester-wise consideration assumes a urgent part in your child’s improvement as every trimester means various phases of development and advancement. Appropriate consideration during every trimester guarantees ideal circumstances for your child’s wellbeing and prosperity.

2. What are some key factors to consider during the first trimester?

During the first trimester, it’s crucial for centre around pre-birth nutrients, keeping a decent eating routine, staying away from destructive substances like liquor and tobacco, and going to ordinary pre-birth check-ups to screen the child’s turn of events.

3. What should I expect during the second trimester?

The second trimester is frequently alluded to as the “special first night stage” of pregnancy. During this time, you might encounter decreased queasiness, expanded energy levels, and start to feel your child’s developments. It’s urgent to proceed with pre-birth care and begin getting ready for labor classes or conferences.

4. How can I support my baby’s development during the third trimester?

In the third trimester, centre around legitimate sustenance, remaining hydrated, checking fetal developments, going to pre-birth arrangements, and planning for labor. Rehearsing unwinding strategies and talking about birth inclinations with your medical care supplier can likewise assist with supporting your child’s turn of events.

5. Are there any warning signs during pregnancy that I should be aware of?

Yes, vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal pain, persistent headaches, vision changes, and decreased fetal movement are all signs that should not be ignored during pregnancy. In the event that you experience any of these side effects, contact your medical services supplier promptly for additional assessment and direction.