Seafood during pregnancy has become a necessity due to the presence of Omega-3 in it. Although fish is a rich source of essential nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids and protein, it’s crucial to consider safety of the mother and baby. This blog provides insights on incorporating fish safely into pregnancy diets, advise on which fish to avoid when pregnant, and information on consumption.



High mercury levels in certain fishes can harm developing foetuses, affecting their nervous system and brain development. Minimizing exposure is recommended by avoiding or limiting consumption of fish while pregnant.

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Fishes to avoid during pregnancy

  • Swordfish: This large predatory fish tends to accumulate high levels of mercury. Thus, this fish is to be avoided during pregnancy.
  • Shark: Like swordfish, shark meat can contain elevated levels of mercury and is best avoided.
  • King mackerel: King mackerel is another fish known for its high mercury content and should be avoided or consumed in very limited amounts.
  • Tilefish: Tilefish, particularly from the Gulf of Mexico. Consumption of this fish during pregnancy should be avoided due to concerns about mercury contamination.

Fish to Enjoy in Moderation:

Some fish should be avoided entirely during pregnancy, but some can be enjoyed in moderation.

  • Tuna: Consume 6 ounces of canned light tuna per week to minimize mercury exposure, especially in Indian cuisine. It is a healthier choice.
  • Salmon: Salmon, a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids, is recommended in moderation in a balanced diet, especially when wild-caught. It is generally safe during pregnancy.
  • Shrimp: Shrimp, low in mercury, can be a nutritious pregnancy food, but it’s crucial to cook it thoroughly to prevent foodborne illnesses.


It’s crucial to be mindful of the types of fish you consume and to follow several other tips when enjoying seafood during pregnancy:

  • Check for advisories: Before purchasing or consuming fish while pregnant, ensure to check for any advisories or warnings from local health authorities or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
  • Choose smaller fish: Smaller, predatory fish generally have lower mercury levels compared to larger fish.
  • Cook seafood thoroughly: To minimize the risk of foodborne illnesses, it is crucial to cook seafood during pregnancy thoroughly before consumption.
  • Consider Omega-3 supplements: To avoid mercury exposure while enjoying Omega-3 fatty acids, consider a purified algae or fish oil supplement derived from algae or fish oil.

With careful consideration and informed choices, you can safely enjoy fish as part of a healthy pregnancy diet. By avoiding high-mercury fish, choosing lower-mercury options, and following safety guidelines, you can reap the nutritional benefits of seafood during pregnancy while minimizing potential risks to you and your baby. As always, it’s essential to consult with your doctor for personalized recommendations based on your individual circumstances. With moderation and mindfulness, you can savour the flavours of the sea while nurturing a healthy pregnancy.


Fish provides significant benefits for pregnant women and their developing babies, especially for those who enjoy seafood.

  • Rich Source of Omega-3 DHA- Fish during pregnancy, especially fatty ones like salmon, sardines, and trout, are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, and DHA, essential for baby brain and eye development, inflammation reduction, and maternal health.
  • Supports foetal growth – Fish during pregnancy is a rich source of lean protein and essential amino acids, crucial for the development of all baby’s cells, including skin, muscle, hair, and bones.
  • Development of baby’s brain- Salmon, a fattier fish, is rich in Omega-3 fatty acid DHA, crucial for boosting baby brain power during the third trimester of rapid brain growth.
  • Enhances Mother’s memory- Increasing intake of Omega-3 through fish while pregnant, can enhance brain power, particularly beneficial for those dealing with brain issues.
  • Improves your mood- A study suggests that fish’s health benefits may be due to its combination of nutrients, with whole fish absorbing DHA and EPA more than pills.
  • Supports your heart- Fish-rich diets can reduce cardiac disease risk by reducing blood clotting, triglyceride levels, and blood pressure, especially in individuals with pre-existing hypertension.
  • May reduce risk of preterm birth– Consumption of fish during pregnancy may lower preterm birth risk due to Omega-3 fatty acids’ ability to reduce inflammation and promote healthy uterine function.
  • Prevention from allergies– According to some studies that the mothers who consume fish during pregnancy are less likely to develop allergies. Consuming fish during pregnancy can lower the risk of allergies in babies.


DHA is crucial for a baby’s brain and eye development. DHA is commonly found in sea food during pregnancy for optimal baby development and mother’s health. Adequate maternal intake promotes improved attention, cognitive performance, and language skills in children, ensuring optimal health during pregnancy. Many vegetarian pregnant women lacks Omega -3 as they are sensitive to fish smell that is present in several prenatal multivitamins.

Trimacare 1 and 2 prenatal vitamins contain 100mg and 200mg of Omega 3 fatty acids, respectively, essential for cognitive and eye development. Trimacare 3 pregnancy multivitamin has a 2:3 EPA:DHA ratio, suitable for vegetarian pregnant women and those sensitive to Omega 3 fatty acids or fish oil. Trimacare DHA pills for pregnancy are a vegetarian source of Omega-3 derived from deep sea algae. It has no fishy smells or harmful side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Is it safe to consume fish during pregnancy?

It is generally safe to consume fish during pregnancy, but it’s important to choose low-mercury options like salmon, trout, and sardines.

2. How much fish can I eat while pregnant?

The FDA recommends pregnant women eat 2-3 servings of low-mercury fish per week, with each serving being around 4-6 ounces.

3. Are there specific types of fish to avoid during pregnancy?

Yes, high-mercury fish like shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish should be avoided during pregnancy due to potential harm to the developing fetus.

4. Can I consume canned tuna during pregnancy?

Yes, you can consume canned light tuna in moderate amounts, but it’s advisable to limit intake of albacore tuna due to its higher mercury content.

5. Are there any health benefits to eating fish during pregnancy?

Yes, fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, essential for fetal brain and eye development. However, choose low-mercury options to minimize potential risks.