Constipation is a common pregnancy side effect that is experienced by pregnant ladies in their pregnancy, more so in the third trimester. The mood, appetite, and energy levels of pregnant women are also impacted due to constipation.

The common causes for constipation during pregnancy can be

  1. Hormonal – The changes in hormones during pregnancy can be blamed for constipation during pregnancy. Large quantities of progesterone produced by the pregnant woman during pregnancy can cause bowel muscles to relax, leading to constipation. To have a bowel movement, the bowel muscles need to contract.
  2. Supplements with Iron – Pregnant ladies take supplements containing Iron, which could cause Constipation. A solution to this is to consume Time-Release Iron, such as the one present in Trimacare Prenatal Tablets, to avoid gastric symptoms associated with conventional iron pills.
  3. Increased Pressure on Rectum – As the baby grows, the uterus might put pressure on the rectum, which can contribute to constipation.

There are several things a pregnant woman can do to beat constipation during pregnancy – such as taking stool softeners prescribed by the doctor, eating healthier, and staying active by walking and doing doctor-approved exercises.


How To Prevent Constipation During Pregnancy? 

Constipation during pregnancy can be prevented by taking the following measures –

  1. Hydrate yourself – Drink water & lots of fluids to stay hydrated. It is not only good for your health but also keeps your body lubricated, helping with the digestion of your food and prevention of constipation.
  2. Increase Fibre in your diet – Fibre adds roughage to your meals and helps you get rid of constipation.
  3. Stay Active – Perform exercises that have been okayed by your doctor and are considered safe, as well as keep moving by going on a short walk, walking around the house, doing prenatal yoga, etc. This is good for your health, and reduces the risk of constipation.
  4. Take A Gentle Prenatal Supplement – The Iron in Prenatal Tablets can contribute to Constipation, so make sure that you are consuming prenatal vitamins with gentle Time-Release Iron that doesn’t cause gastrointestinal symptoms.

Trimacare Best Prenatal Tablets for Pregnant Women with Vitamin K

Trimacare Prenatal Tablets for Constipation 

Trimacare 3 contains Time-Release Iron which prevents gastrointestinal symptoms associated with the consumption of conventional Iron Pills. Trimacare 3 also contains a bowel regulator, which prevents constipation in Pregnant Ladies. Formulated in a unique Trimester-Wise Course, Trimacare has been designed as per the WHO & ICMR guidelines to provide adequate prenatal nourishment to Indian Pregnant Ladies. The 20 plus nutrients in one tablet eliminate the need to eat multiple tablets, making it a convenient and hassle-free prenatal tablet. Trimacare contains advanced salts & bioavailable ingredients in adequate amounts. What you eat forms the building blocks of your baby and safeguards you & your baby from multiple Pregnancy Complications. Only a healthy mother can give birth to a healthy baby, so make sure that during your pregnancy your prenatal nutrition, habits, and lifestyle are prioritized.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How do Trimacare prenatal vitamins help with constipation during pregnancy?

Iron and fibre in Trimacare prenatal vitamins can help regulate bowel movements and alleviate constipation, which is common during pregnancy.

2. Are Trimacare prenatal vitamins safe to take during pregnancy?

Yes, Trimacare prenatal vitamins are made just for pregnant women and, when taken as directed, are generally considered safe. However, if you’re pregnant, it’s always best to talk to your doctor before starting a new supplement regimen.

3. Can Trimacare prenatal vitamins be taken with other medications?

Before taking Trimacare prenatal vitamins with other medications, it is important to talk to your doctor to make sure there are no possible interactions.

4. How often should Trimacare prenatal vitamins be taken?

Trimacare prenatal vitamins are commonly taken once everyday, as coordinated by your doctor. Adhering to the suggested dose guidelines is fundamental for ideal viability.

5. Are there any side effects associated with Trimacare prenatal vitamins?

While secondary effects are uncommon, a few people might encounter minor gastrointestinal distress or queasiness while taking Trimacare prenatal vitamins. Assuming that you experience any antagonistic responses, it’s encouraged to suspend use and talk with your medical services supplier.