haemoglobin during pregnancy

Why Is Haemoglobin Important for a Healthy Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an important phase in a woman’s life that requires proper care and…

sitting postures during pregnancy

The Impact of Good Posture on Your Pregnancy Journey

Pregnancy is an incredible journey, but with it also comes with own challenges.…

Iron Folic Acid Tablets for Pregnancy

Best Iron and Folic Acid Tablets for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey which comes with significantly increased…

Calcium Tablets for Women

Everything You Need to Know About Calcium Tablets for Women

Calcium is one of the most important nutrients that the expectant mother…

Supplements during pregnancy

Are Supplements During Pregnancy Safe or Not?

Pregnancy is a critical time when a woman’s nutritional needs are higher to…

folic acid rich fruits vegetables

What Fruit and Vegetables are High in Folic Acid?

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin critical in cell and protein metabolism.…

Use Trimacare Prenatal Vitamins Tablets for Pregnant Women Drivers

Driving While Pregnant: Points to be Remembered

Pregnancy is a magnificent and wonderful experience; yet, on the other hand, it…

Trimacare - The Best Folic Acid Pills For Pregnancy to Prevent Autism

Folate's Role in Autism: A Pregnancy Perspective

Pregnancy is the critical period when nutrition, especially nutrient folate, a…

Why Should You Not Consume Alcohol During Pregnancy - Trimacare

Why Should You Not Consume Alcohol During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a period of joy, but it also entails responsibilities for the…

Trimacare – An Ideal Pregnancy Supplement After C-Section Delivery


C-sections are mainly caused due to complications in pregnancy and other…