Pregnancy is a time of great responsibility and ensuring the right nutrients for your baby’s growth is essential. One such nutrient that often goes unnoticed is iodine for pregnancy. Most expecting mothers are concerned about folic acid, iron and calcium, but iodine and pregnancy are equally important, especially for foetal brain development.

Why is iodine important during pregnancy?

Iodine is an essential mineral, which is very important in the production of thyroid hormones. These hormones are responsible for regulating metabolism, growth and development. Iodine for pregnant women is important since it directly impacts the baby’s brain and its cognitive function. The lack of iodine when pregnant may lead to serious complications, such as underdeveloped brains and lower IQ levels in children.

How does iodine affect Foetal brain development?

From the early stages of pregnancy, maternal thyroid hormones are necessary for the brain development of the foetus. Since the thyroid glands use iodine to produce such hormones, there is a tremendous increase in iodine requirements in pregnancy.

Here is how iodine helps in foetal brain development:

  • Neural Tube Formation: In the first trimester, the baby’s brain and spinal cord begin to develop.  Adequate levels of iodine ensure that the neural tube is properly formed. This also decreases the chances of birth defects.
  • Cognitive function: According to some studies, adequate iodine supply for pregnancy boosts cognitive functions and prevents delays in the development of the children.
  • Motor Skills and Coordination: Iodine promotes the development of motor skills so that the baby’s nervous system functions well.
  • Speech and Hearing Development: Iodine deficiency can lead to speech and hearing impairment in newborns.

Iodine Requirements in Pregnancy

Pregnant women need more iodine as their bodies produce more thyroid hormones. The daily intake requirement of iodine for pregnant women is around 220-250 micrograms.

However, many pregnant women cannot take these recommended amounts, increasing the risk of developmental disorders for their children.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in pregnancy

Being aware of the symptoms of iodine deficiency can help you take timely action. Some common signs include:

  • Weight gain
  • Dry skin and hair loss
  • Memory and concentration difficulties
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Swellings in the neck(goitre)

Iodine Rich sources for pregnancy

To fulfil the iodine requirement in pregnancy, make sure your diet is supplemented with iodine-rich foods. Some excellent sources include:

  • Eggs: A single egg renders a satisfactory amount of iodine.
  • Dairy products: A good quality amount of iodine is found in milk, yoghurt and cheese.
  • Fish, shrimp and seaweed: These are some of the rich natural sources of iodine.
  • Iodized salt: Cooking with iodized salt is the easiest way to ensure that the body has adequate iodine levels.
  • Fortified: Many cereals and breads are fortified with iodine to ensure that people’s dietary needs are met.

 Should you take Iodine supplements when pregnant?

Even though a balanced diet can supply the required iodine during pregnancy, some women may require supplements especially those with dietary restrictions.

Prenatal vitamins often contain iodine but check the label to ensure you get enough. Discuss with the doctor before starting your supplements to avoid excessive intake.

Trimacare prenatal tablets: Safe, Effective and Trusted supplements of iodine

Being backed by over 20 essential nutrients present in each prenatal vitamin. Trimacare is the complete prenatal solution. Formulated by experts who abide by WHO and ICMR guidelines, Trimacare is a reliable brand of best prenatal multivitamin recommended by the leading gynaecologists in the country.

Trimacare prenatal vitamin contains 200mcg of iodine which is necessary for producing thyroid hormones crucial for brain development. Trimacare iodine supplement is generally safe and can prevent conditions such as cretinism and cognitive impairments in the baby.


Understanding the relationship between iodine and pregnancy is essential for every pregnant woman. Since iodine is important for foetal brain development, adequate intake will significantly affect your baby’s cognitive abilities and overall health.


Why is iodine important during pregnancy?

Iodine is essential in the production of thyroid hormones. It plays an important role in the development of the brain in a foetus. Lack of this mineral results in cognitive impairment, low IQ, and even delayed development.

How much iodine does a pregnant woman require?

The recommended daily intake of iodine for pregnant women is 220-250 micrograms (mcg) per day. Breastfeeding mothers need around 250-290 mcg to support their baby’s brain growth.

What are the risks of iodine deficiency during pregnancy?

It can cause hypothyroidism in the mother as well as her baby and can lead to cretinism or severe intellectual disability, stunted growth, and delayed motor skills. Well-developed brain and nervous system translate to proper iodine content within.