A pregnancy complication that has all obstetricians on vigil is Pre-Eclampsia. A hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, Pre-Eclampsia is characterized by high blood pressure (in a pregnant lady who was non-hypertensive before pregnancy), decreased platelets, fluid accumulation, and increased proteins in the urine. If left untreated, it increases the risk of morbidity and mortality, making it a high-risk pregnancy complication.

The exact cause of Pre-Eclampsia isn’t fully understood, but improper functioning of the placenta is believed to be a causative factor. Insufficient blood flow or inappropriate blood flow to the placenta are thought to be factors potentially influencing the development of this disease. Poor diet, genetics, family history, and immune function disorders also seem to have a role to play in the development of this disease.

Pre-Eclampsia Symptoms

The symptoms of Pre-Eclampsia include –

  • Rapid weight gain due to an increase in the bodily fluids
  • Decreased urine output
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Vision changes
  • Swelling in the hands and feet
  • Impaired liver function
  • Proteins in the urine
  • Dizziness
  • Excessive vomiting and nausea
  • Shortness of breath
  • Changes in Reflexes
  • Decreased platelets

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Some of these symptoms can occur without Pre-Eclampsia, such as swelling of hands and feet. It is essential to inform your doctor about any symptoms that appear during your pregnancy to err on the side of caution.

Pre-Eclampsia Complications

Pre-Eclampsia is dangerous for the mother and the baby and can lead to several complications.

  1. Fetal Growth Restriction – As the blood flow to the placenta is affected, fetal growth might be affected due to Pre-Eclampsia.
  2. Placental Abruption – A serious complication that can lead to severe bleeding, in placental abruption the placenta gets separated from the uterine wall.
  3. Preterm Birth – This occurs when labor is induced before the full-term pregnancy and can lead to various health problems in the baby.
  4. HELLP Syndrome – HELLP syndrome is Hemolysis Elevated Liver Enzyme and Low Platelet Count and can be life-threatening.
  5. Eclampsia – This involves uncontrolled Pre-Eclampsia leading to seizures.
  6. Cardiovascular disease – Pre-Eclampsia can lead to cardiovascular diseases.

Pre-Eclampsia is a dangerous condition on its own and comes with its own set of complications. Therefore, you must monitor your blood pressure frequently, share your family history (If any of hypertensive disorders) with your doctor, and follow all preventative measures to ensure good health for you and your baby.

Pre-Eclampsia Prevention

You can minimize your risk of Pre-Eclampsia by taking charge of everything that is in your control.

  • Watch your sodium intake – Avoid the development of hypertensive disorders by monitoring how much sodium you consume. Always eat safe amounts of salt as suggested by your doctor.
  • Stay Hydrated – Drink a sufficient amount of water throughout the day along with juices, soups, and other nutritious fluids.
  • Avoid Junk Foods and Fatty Foods – These foods are high in fat and calories, and low in nutritive value.
  • Eat a Multi-Micronutrient Rich Diet – Ensure that your diet has Multi-Micronutrients such as Magnesium and Zinc. If your diet is insufficient in the required quantities of Multi Micronutrients, ask your doctor about prenatal vitamins. Prenatal Multivitamins such as Trimacare Prenatal Tablets contain not just Iron, Folate, and Calcium, but 20 plus Micronutrients in one tablet including Magnesium and Zinc. These micronutrients are essential for maintaining the health of the mother and the baby. Magnesium reduces the risk of Pre-Eclampsia and minimizes cramps in the calf muscles during pregnancy, whereas Zinc prevents hypertension during pregnancy. Formulated according to the WHO and ICMR guidelines, Trimacare Prenatal Tablets are trusted by the leading gynaecologists of the country.

Pre-Eclampsia prevention is crucial to minimize your risks of developing this hypertensive disorder during pregnancy. Pre-Eclampsia Treatment includes medications and dietary modifications, along with closely monitoring the pregnancy.

Take Away 

Pregnancy is a beautiful time where you get to focus on your health to secure the baby’s health. It is also a critical time to watch your health very closely to avoid any complications. Having a nutrient-rich diet, good lifestyle, stress-free routine, and healthy habits are as essential as being regular with your check-ups with the doctor during pregnancy. A healthy mother gives birth to a healthy baby, so be sure your diet and lifestyle during pregnancy are giving your baby a head start in the nutritional department.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How does pre-eclampsia affect pregnancy?

Pre-eclampsia can cause hypertension, protein in pee, and harm to organs like the liver and kidneys, presenting serious dangers to both the mother and the child.

2. What are the symptoms of pre-eclampsia?

High blood pressure, swelling, a sudden increase in weight, headaches, changes in vision, nausea or vomiting, and upper abdominal pain are all signs of pre-eclampsia.

3. How is pre-eclampsia diagnosed?

Pre-eclampsia is ordinarily analysed through pulse observing, pee tests to check for protein, blood tests to survey organ capability, and fetal observing to assess the child’s wellbeing.

4. What are the risk factors for developing pre-eclampsia?

Risk factors for pre-eclampsia incorporate a background marked by hypertension or pre-eclampsia in past pregnancies, first-time pregnancy, being beyond 40 years old, corpulence, conveying different children, and certain ailments like diabetes or kidney sickness.

5. Can pre-eclampsia be prevented?

Women can reduce their risk of pre-eclampsia by attending regular prenatal check-ups, maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise, managing pre-existing medical conditions, and adhering to any recommendations from their healthcare provider. Pre-eclampsia cannot always be prevented.